New York City is also called "The Big Apple". In 2019, it had a population of about 302.6 sq mi with an 8,336,817 population.
New York City is located on the largest natural harbor. New York has the largest number of billionaires in the world. New York is located in the US, with the capital Washington DC being the snowiest place here instead of the South Pole.
Facts related to New York -
Most of the children are obese here, on 28 November 2012, many crimes did not happen here, due to this, this day is celebrated here as Quiet Day.
New York City is located in the state of New York.
New York City is a developed city in the United States.
Most people in New York drink a lot instead of other cities in America.
Most deaths in New York are due to suicide.
The world's most linguistic diversity is found in New York City
It is about 1600 pizza restaurants
Brazilian wax was made in New York.
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